Do Lab Grown Diamonds Get Cloudy?

Do Lab Grown Diamonds Get Cloudy?

At Roset Jewellers, where luxury meets personal touch, we often encounter questions about the enduring beauty of lab-grown diamonds. A common query is whether these sophisticated stones can become cloudy over time. In this blog, we'll explore the facts about lab-grown diamonds and their long-term clarity, offering you the confidence to select these gems for your most cherished moments.

What is Cloudiness in Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Cloudiness in lab-grown diamonds refers to a hazy or milky appearance that can affect the stone's clarity and brilliance. This phenomenon is usually caused by a combination of internal and external factors.

Cloudiness in Lab-Grown Diamonds: External vs. Internal Factors

Internal Factors

Internal factors, while not so prevalent, can impact the clarity of lab-grown diamonds. These factors are typically related to the diamond’s inherent characteristics formed during its creation:

Inclusions and Blemishes

Lab-grown diamonds, like natural diamonds, can have internal inclusions or external blemishes:

  • Inclusions: These are internal imperfections such as small crystals, voids, or other materials trapped within the diamond during its growth. While most inclusions do not significantly affect clarity, larger or more numerous inclusions can reduce the diamond’s brilliance.
  • Blemishes: These are surface imperfections that occur during the cutting and polishing process. Blemishes can include scratches, pits, or chips on the diamond’s surface.

Impact on Clarity

  • Clarity Grades: The clarity of a diamond is graded based on the number, size, and visibility of inclusions and blemishes. Higher clarity grades indicate fewer and less noticeable imperfections, resulting in a clearer, more brilliant diamond.
  • Stability of Internal Quality: Unlike external factors, the internal quality of a lab-grown diamond remains stable over time. Once formed, inclusions and blemishes do not change, making the diamond’s internal clarity less susceptible to fluctuation.

External vs. Internal Factors

Most often, what is perceived as cloudiness can actually be due to external build-up on the diamond's surface. Substances such as lotions, soaps, and natural oils from the skin can coat a diamond, diminishing its sparkle and giving it a dull appearance. This is typically reversible with proper cleaning.

Factors Affecting Long-Term Clarity of Lab-Grown Diamonds

While the internal quality of lab-grown diamonds remains stable, several external factors can impact their appearance and clarity over time. Understanding these factors and how to mitigate their effects can help maintain the pristine look of your diamond jewelry.

Environmental Build-Up

Lab-grown diamonds, like their natural counterparts, are exposed to various environmental substances through regular wear. Skin oils, lotions, soaps, and other everyday products can accumulate on the diamond's surface, forming a thin film that can make the diamond appear cloudy and less brilliant.

This cloudiness is typically reversible with proper cleaning techniques. Regular cleaning using mild soap solutions and soft brushes can help remove the film. For a more thorough clean, ultrasonic cleaners designed for jewelry can effectively remove deeper grime without damaging the diamond.

Wear and Tear

Despite their renowned hardness, diamonds are not indestructible. Daily activities and physical impacts can cause minor surface scratches or chips, especially along the diamond's girdle (the outer edge). These imperfections can affect the diamond’s light performance, diminishing its sparkle and altering its perceived clarity.

To minimize wear and tear, it's advisable to remove diamond jewelry during activities that could expose it to hard knocks or abrasive surfaces. Storing diamonds in individual, soft-lined compartments or pouches can also prevent them from scratching each other or other jewelry pieces.

Improper Cleaning

Using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials for cleaning can damage the diamond's surface over time. Some household cleaning products contain chemicals that are too strong for delicate jewelry, leading to surface erosion or discoloration.

Always use jewelry cleaners specifically formulated for diamonds or mild solutions such as warm water and gentle dish soap. Soft brushes or cloths should be used to clean the diamond to avoid scratching. Regular professional cleanings and inspections can also help maintain the diamond’s clarity and overall condition.

Long-Term Care Recommendations

To ensure your lab-grown diamonds retain their clarity and brilliance over time, follow these long-term care recommendations:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Clean your diamond jewelry regularly using gentle, non-abrasive solutions. Ultrasonic cleaners can be particularly effective for a deep clean.
  2. Professional Inspections: Have your diamond jewelry inspected by a professional jeweler at least once a year. They can identify and address any potential issues, such as loose settings or small chips, before they become more significant problems.
  3. Proper Storage: Store your diamond jewelry in a soft-lined box or pouch, keeping pieces separate to avoid scratches. Avoid storing diamonds in a way that exposes them to hard surfaces or other jewelry that could cause damage.
  4. Mindful Wear: Remove diamond jewelry during activities that involve rough handling or exposure to harsh substances. This includes household chores, sports, and any other activities that might risk impact or abrasion.

Ensuring Optimal Clarity

Routine Maintenance

To ensure the longevity and clarity of lab-grown diamonds, regular maintenance is crucial. This includes professional inspections where a jeweler can check for loose settings or potential surface damage that might contribute to cloudiness. Additionally, professional cleaning can help remove any build-up that is not easily managed at home.

Choosing Quality Settings

The choice of setting can also protect the diamond and help maintain its clarity. Protective settings like bezel or halo can shield the diamond from side impacts and reduce the likelihood of accumulation of dirt and oils underneath the diamond.


Lab-grown diamonds offer the beauty and durability expected of any fine diamond, with the added assurance of controlled production that often leads to higher initial clarity. By understanding the factors that can affect the long-term appearance of these diamonds and adhering to proper care practices, owners of lab-grown diamonds can ensure their gems remain as clear and brilliant as the day they were purchased. At Roset Jewellers, we are committed to providing our clients with all the knowledge and tools they need to cherish their luxury investments for a lifetime.

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